About my ratings

Perhaps because of my day job, I'm a tough rater. Everything 3/5 and above I consider worth the time and money. If I purchase on Etsy or a similar platform and the puzzle is as expected, I will give a top rating on the platform because of how seller ratings work, but here "as expected" is probably a 3/5 in most cases.

Monday, July 6, 2020

Map of Florence

Liberty, 1090 pieces. What a magnificent beast! I couldn't turn it over to show the various interacting whimsies, and a few of them were a bit more modern than the picture, but it was impressive. First time I've seen the Liberty eagle split in half, at the bottom center. Lots of artisans at work in the whimsies, along with animals (mostly arrayed along the bottom edge). 5/5
half eagle

it begins

hours later

The David

Slightly harder to see: The David and sculptor
horse and rider

more progress
scientist at telescope



  1. Do you ever time yourself? Seems like this one took longer than others based on the commentary

    1. If I timed myself I would have to face up to how much time I spend doing puzzles--but this one was definitely longer than most.

    2. I have timed myself. For easy liberty puzzles it’s about one minute per piece and about 2 minutes for more difficult ones. Then I divide the price of the puzzle I did not have time to get my entertainment cost per hour.

    3. * divide the price of the puzzle by the time it took to get my entertainment cost per hour

  2. It's not 1090. It's 1534 pieces. I just double-checked the box to be sure.

    Liberty has a nice writeup (with pic of the back!) here

