Liberty, 626 pieces. First, can we talk about what's going on in the eBay market for Liberty puzzles? I'm not going to knock anyone's investment strategy, if that's what it is, but if you're just (understandably) looking for puzzling comfort, now strikes me as a great time to look at DaVici, which is suddenly price-competitive even including the shipping required to get it from Russia. I do think Liberty is the best at what it does and I understand paying a premium v. Nautilus or Peaceful, but Nervous System has some availability, as does Artifact, and Snowflake (hand-cut; not much in the way of whimsies but nice images) is also still selling from Etsy. Anyway, best wishes to puzzlers and puzzle-cutters and here's hoping Liberty reopens for business soon.
This is a lovely, colorful image with a few patches of solid color but a lot more areas of high complexity, making for a real challenge. I flipped the multi-piece whimsy message but still can't read it: my brain just isn't figuring out the letters. Anyway, good fun. 4/5
what does this say? |
skull (on its side) |
upside down car (sorry) |
dancing wizard (my rotate function has clearly failed me) |
planets and surfer |
typewriter and writer again upside down |
cool guy with glasses |
planet, rock |
I figured it out! The text says "Liberty Puzzles" but this picture is upside down. What a funky way to do words!