About my ratings

Perhaps because of my day job, I'm a tough rater. Everything 3/5 and above I consider worth the time and money. If I purchase on Etsy or a similar platform and the puzzle is as expected, I will give a top rating on the platform because of how seller ratings work, but here "as expected" is probably a 3/5 in most cases.

Monday, April 1, 2019

The Mane Event

Stave, 170 pieces. This is a five-sword teaser, and it is everything I wanted.  The best Staves have an amazing inevitability about their difficulty--you can't possibly see how it can fit together, and then when you have put a few pieces together you can't possibly see how it could be any different.  Retained its difficulty to the very end.  The symmetry is probably the biggest clue--fitting two pieces together generally indicates two other pieces should fit.  10/10 go Stave.


  1. It took me ten minutes to place the last four pieces.
    I have never loved and hated a puzzle quite so much.

    1. It's pretty amazing! I'm glad it took you to the extremes.
