Stumpcraft, 253 pieces. Stumpcraft is a relatively new producer of laser-cut puzzles, and worth a try. (Americans, the prices are in Canadian dollars, so it feels like you're getting a discount!) Its current offerings top out at smaller than Liberty and Artifact's largest. This is the first one I've done. It had the typical burned wood smell of newly laser-cut wood; the piece fit was relatively tight though not too tight. Piece design was varied, including a relatively large range in size. The whimsies were Alice in Wonderland-themed to match the puzzle, including, appropriately enough, some whimsies that seemed only partially whimsy and part regular piece. Connectors were unusual and often unique--I especially liked the image-appropriate spades and hearts. The overall cut did feel a little busy. In every creative field I know about, people who have something to say often make their early entries jam packed with novelty (I am not excusing myself), rather than letting the new breathe as part of an overall work with more familiar aspects. It's exciting! We have ideas! We want to share them! Which is to say, I liked all the individual aspects, but it might have been even better with somewhat larger pieces and thus (in a puzzle this size) fewer variations. 4/5--looking forward to more.
Note flamingo at the top left--the hand cut out of it comes from an otherwise regularly shaped piece |
The queen of hearts in two pieces |
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