About my ratings

Perhaps because of my day job, I'm a tough rater. Everything 3/5 and above I consider worth the time and money. If I purchase on Etsy or a similar platform and the puzzle is as expected, I will give a top rating on the platform because of how seller ratings work, but here "as expected" is probably a 3/5 in most cases.

Friday, September 22, 2017

LeColimaçon, Van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh, Bateaux de pecheurs, 488 pieces.  Every once in a while I think "that puzzle looks so cool, I will try it though it's push-fit."  I am wrong and need to be reminded of this.


  1. Found them. Thanks for the search link (with the cedilla). Artifact also has had this van Gogh Bateaux. Maybe I'll get to compare some day. I do see the frustration in push-fit when every interaction tends as much or more to push-apart than to push-fit. But I still like the challenge and the craft.

    1. (It was actually Perec's little essay on jigsaws (Life A User's Manual) that made me aware of color-line in the first place, as far as French puzzle makers go...)
