About my ratings

Perhaps because of my day job, I'm a tough rater. Everything 3/5 and above I consider worth the time and money. If I purchase on Etsy or a similar platform and the puzzle is as expected, I will give a top rating on the platform because of how seller ratings work, but here "as expected" is probably a 3/5 in most cases.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Miko, Cats and Birds

 BCB Puzzles, 400 pieces. Fun and colorful, with an unusual-for-BCB couple of false edges internally. 4/5

false edge example

West Africa Map

 Artifact, 100 pieces. Given some difficulty by the angular construction. 3/5

Aw Shucks

 Stave, 75 pieces. Two-sword Teaser with a couple of replacement pieces, one obvious (and split in two), one not really. 6/10

replacement piece/s