Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Harry Halloween, Two Can Art (practice)

 Waterford, 228 pieces. Another practice puzzle sold at a discounted price. Since I just tried hand cutting myself at the Puzzle Parley, I have a visceral appreciation of just how hard the process is, so I do not mean to be critical when I say that this puzzle shows a cutter in the middle of learning their craft. Interestingly, that showed up mostly in a bit of roughness in the whimsies; the traditional pieces were mostly indistinguishable from a non-practice Waterford, with the exception of a couple of connectors whose necks were thin enough that they seem unlikely to last through multiple assemblies. I'm so grateful I got to try a real saw so now I understand how/why that happened. This wouldn't get a bad rating really, but it's not a fully-fledged Waterford puzzle.

whimsies a little mushier/rougher than Waterford standard

a cute whimsy!

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