Monday, May 23, 2022

Pieces of the Masters, Piet Mondrian

 HelloFish, 300 pieces. HelloFish has really interesting ideas and clever execution, but I need to remember that it's never quite worth it for me at the price point. Different strokes! This double-sided puzzle is well constructed--and there are even hidden mini-puzzles and a 3D easel to be assembled. But I think I'm going to treat this as my reminder: Only borrowed/from Hoefnagel; not worth it for me to buy at anything like full price. 3/5

a musical ensemble

The two mini puzzles assembled from other pieces, decently though not perfectly matching the image

3D easel

1 comment:

  1. This is how I feel about Hellofish: brilliant designs, prices that are difficult for me to rationalize (especially since most of what I want isn't on Amazon, and the shipping costs from Taiwan if I buy direct are significant).
