Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Earth puzzle

Unknown Chinese maker, 650 pieces (via eBay). I'm doing a third review today because I'm backed up and I've also been exploring a bunch of the new market entrants. This one is ... a bit different. I ultimately found it fun in a bizarre way but my experience might not be shared. It is a laser-cut puzzle; I didn't count but the piece count in the listing seems plausible to me. But the pieces are extraordinarily tiny! If you were an American Girl doll, this would be a puzzle with pieces that fit in the palm of your hand. Since I am not, they mostly fit onto my fingertip. For all that, there were no more broken connectors than on, say, a Nook, which surprises me a little. Most of those connectors were unfixable, sadly, because they were too tiny for glue. 

The real issue was that the puzzle was covered with char, which then darkened the image and also covered my hands and puzzle table, which has now been sponged down multiple times. By the end, the puzzle was not shedding char at every touch, but nor was it char-free. Had it not been for the char, I actually would love this puzzle unqualifiedly for how unusual it is; the whimsies were mostly intelligible and in a larger size it would have been an ordinary laser-cut puzzle. And the price contributes to my amusement: It was a hair over $20, for which I got hours of bemusement. Would not have paid more, but do not feel cheated (albeit a little grubby).

char on my fingers

teeny tiny whimsies

not quite actual size

I've got the whole world in my hands

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