Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Van Hulsdonck, Lemons (and an article about puzzles)

The Washington Post ran an article about puzzle shortages in the lockdown. With Liberty shutting down and Stave running out of in-stock puzzles, that seems to be the case for wooden puzzles too. I love wooden puzzles and I love sharing them with people who enjoy them. I've had some success with small-scale lending swaps. I'm open to more.

Artifact Ecru, 232 pieces. Small piece count compensated for by the hexagonal shapes (interrupted by the occasional whimsy, mostly fruit). I like the hexagonal shape because it creates some visual discontinuities. One area of the puzzle was basically all black and I had to guess based on piece shape and crossing my fingers; fortunately, it worked.  3/5


  1. Stave *added* three puzzles to their inventory today, including a three sword teaser.
