Thursday, June 6, 2019

Jan Van Kessel, Butterflies

Artifact, 161 pieces. Rachel Pedder's Bean, which has a similar image, is one of my favorite Artifacts; this one sadly wasn't quite as good because it didn't have as many themed connectors.  But it was still a perfectly fine Artifact, with  mostly rectangular pieces.  3/5


  1. Ooo, this one is cute, will have to check it out. I recently checked out turtleteasers and crowprints, thanks to one of your posts, those were great puzzles!

    I also recently tried this one from Artifact: I'm totally new to wooden jigsaw puzzling, but so far, one of the more unique cuts I've seen (Stokes style, they called it?) I'm sure you've probably encountered it in your vast experience as a puzzler, but I would recommend it if you haven't yet. :)

    1. I'm glad you found some new cutters you like! Artifact has a few like that and my favorite is the four color map one--you just have to work from shapes because there's no color overlap. Welcome to the hobby--it's great fun.
