Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Arabic Mosaic, St. Petersburg

Wentworth, 1000 pieces.  Low color variation (including pools of similar color scattered throughout the puzzle) makes this one not for the faint of heart, but it was doable with careful attention to piece shape and minor color variations.  1000 pieces is a lot of Wentworth--I think 750 might be the ideal balance of challenge and doability.  3/5


  1. impossible for me, ever .it is beautiful ! i tell other puzzlers about this site . i would rather see the stages of completion here than do these puzzles myself. the puzzles that i do over and over are two from puzzle monk and a 500 piece from wentworth "the cricket match" which divides nicely into 4 quarters. each a beautifully composed picture that i join together to make the competed puzzle . it is much more enjoyble for me than starting the puzzle anew each time . thanks for a very entertaining site !

  2. Thank you! Puzzlemonk puzzles are truly beautiful and well-crafted--I think you've made a good choice!

  3. Hi Rebecca, simon here from the UK. It's the 21st and no new puzzles:( Not to sound selfish but... i'm getting withdrawal!!
    Seriously though, hope you are OK?
    Love your blog, I use it for guidance. Keep well, best regards, Simon and Penny.

  4. I know! I've been too busy with work for puzzling. I have a stack I would like to get to soon, but realistically it will probably be March at the soonest.

  5. Great to hear that you'll be back. Chris from NC saying hi. Enjoy the blog...great for discovering what's out there. Have my first mrgogo puzzle coming in the mail arriving early March.

  6. What a treat! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy those puzzles.
