Friday, March 29, 2024

Lunacy #5 Paper Cutouts

 Approx. 50 pieces, BellArt. Another double-sided puzzle, this time with very similar art on both sides, creating additional challenge. I like the round, full knobs. 3/5

Abu al-Hassan, Squirrels

 Artifact, 155 pieces. Small pieces; difficulty created by similarity throughout image. 3/5

Life of the Desert

 Stave, 495 pieces. Another beautiful image with animal themed whimsies. 7/10

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Smellin' Good

 BCB Puzzles, 150 pieces. A relatively simple Teaser-style puzzle, with large pieces. 6/10

Simple Gifts

 Approx. 50 pieces, BellArt. The fun piece shapes (with color line cutting) and double-sidedness make this puzzle enjoyable. 3/5

What a Dive!

 Stave, 70 pieces. Marked as a two-sword Teaser, which seems right. 6/10

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Roch Urbaniak, Floating Town

 Artifact, 228 pieces. Relatively hard for its size because of the cut/busy things going on in particular sections. I think this was a speed puzzling puzzle; I can see why it would have been. 3/5

Silver, Audrey

 Five Frogs Woodworking, 221 pieces. Since my daughter is going to take Audrey's other portrait when she goes to college, I commissioned a second one, which turned out equally wonderful. Different sections have different cut styles--with a tiny bit of overlap as they transition--including great John Stokes III-style swirls. 10/10

a bit of swirl as it transitions into the more random curves

Cat Among the Flowers

 FoxSmartBox, 240 pieces. Another fine offering with a cat theme. 3/5

Thursday, March 14, 2024


 FoxSmartBox, 159 pieces. A somewhat less successful "Teaser" style laser-cut puzzle; I am not sure that I got the solution right. Still, nice colors and some fun assembling the frame. 3/5

The Story of King Schahriyar and His Brother Schahzenan, Kay Nielsen

 Liberty, 504 pieces. I think there's an alternate solution, but I didn't try to find it. Lots of symmetry in the cut here, which came in handy on a few of the very dark parts. 3/5

Alexey Arofalov, San Juan, Puerto Rico

 Boardwalk, 320 pieces. This one is the new, thicker wood, and it's a substantial improvement--I just like the hand feel of the thicker pieces so much more, and these are nice and clean. I'm going to give it a ratings bump just for that. 4/5

frog (maybe a coqui)

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Odilon Redon, Pandora

 Artifact, 152 pieces. Surprisingly difficult for its size; nice slightly irregular edges. I love the book whimsy. 3/5

Alexey Arofalov, Germany

 Boardwalk, 317 pieces. This is an older puzzle, so thin pieces; perfectly fine to do. 3/5

Mandy Budan, One Fine Day

 Elms, 551 pieces. Another very pleasant puzzle, with relatively high difficulty because bits of colors are scattered about. 7/10


tree disappearing into other pieces

tree and church