Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Blue Chrystanthemum

TurtleTeasers, 151 pieces.  Very hard for its size!  I like the elaborate geometric cutting of the tiny pieces.  3/5.

In Purrfect Harmony

Stave, 160 pieces.  A tough Teaser with lots of cats--what more can be asked?  9/10 Stave scale.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dark Side of the Moon (Nasa image)

TurtleTeasers, 55 pieces.  Nice little puzzle--a good intro to this cutter's style.  3/5

Batter Up

Stave, 60 pieces.  A great Teaser where it stays hard to figure out where each piece goes through to the end.  7/10 Stave scale

Friday, July 26, 2019


Stave, approx. 110 pieces.  Lovely little classic puzzle with some interacting whimsies and a multipiece starfish.  5/10 Stave scale

Multipiece starfish

Interacting cocktail whimsy

cat and oyster (sizing is odd, but ok)

Curbside Ice Truck

Neutrino Puzzles, 66 pieces. Etsy seller with thick, relatively tightly (but not squeaky tight) cut pieces. Cute little scooter whimsies and an ice cream cone.  Double-sided, similar images for a bit of extra fiddling.  3/5

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Perfect Pattern

TurtleTeasers, 101 pieces. A very good example of this cutter's style, with an image that makes it pretty challenging to identify the small differences in the small pieces. Sadly, I failed to take a picture of the entirely unassembled puzzle, but you still get a good sense of what it's like, I think.  3/5

Seaing Stars (blast from the past)

I did some reorganizing and decided to do a bunch of puzzles I own but haven't posted reviews of before.  In part, this is to create a better record, but also it's kinder on my wallet and fights the conversation I often have with my brain when I see a puzzle with a cool image from a maker that I've tried before and found less-than-average.

Me: you know that you'll get more pleasure dollar-for-dollar and minute-for-minute with a different puzzlemaker.
Brain: Hear me out ...
Brain: what if this time was different?


Stave, 40 pieces.  Really delightful despite the small size--the lack of frame makes everything much harder.  7/10 Stave scale.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cat (in cedar from Alabama)

Chestnut and Hemlock, 179 pieces. This Etsy hand-cutter is new to me, and a very nice addition to the roster. The cedar makes the puzzle smell more like a closet hanger than a standard wooden puzzle.  The cutting is tight and the pieces are small; the lack of a picture makes it a matter of fitting shapes together.  A delightful hand-cut puzzle, priced right for a gift for a puzzle-loving friend if they can handle tiny pieces.  4/5

The Scream, Edvard Munch

Artifact, 232 pieces.  Honeycomb-shaped pieces give this one most of its difficulty, though there are areas of pooled color in the picture where one must tread carefully.  A fun diversion (which is a bit ironic given the subject, I suppose). 3/5

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Fan Flair

Stave, 267 pieces. Though marked as a Treat, this one is delightfully hard--in fact, I got so caught up that I didn't even take a picture of the interim assembly process, which involved first linking up all the in-and-out knobs and then going piece by piece, relying on the repeated patterns to look for how to add, for example, the dragon's jaw to the other three dragons once I'd figured out the first one. 7/10 have some time and tolerance for frustration.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Cove

Unknown, approx. 600 pieces. The box touts its interlocking pieces and basswood material but doesn't mark origin!  Regardless, this was a very nice find--tight interlock and challenging picture.  I wasn't even sure it wasn't two-sided because of the changing coloration on the back; it took me a while to figure out which way was up. The only downside was the very strong old-puzzle smell.  4/5

100 Famous Views of Edo #8

Mr. Gogo, 425 pieces. This one was pleasant for its wide patches of similar color with occasional touches of pigment to guide assembly.  4/5

Monday, July 8, 2019

Picasso's Bouquet of Flowers in a Modern Style

Whimsy Wood Puzzles/Andiamo Marketplace, 350 pieces.  Right now the puzzles are only available on eBay from the maker.  Thick (Liberty range) wood, strip-cut-ish (the individual pieces aren't necessarily in a line, but they have a rectangular core) with no whimsies.  Very solid for what it is--would probably make a nice gift to a host/hostess who likes puzzles.  Could benefit from putting the maker's name on the box. Competitively priced.  3/5